A high-tech professional manufacturer combining R&D, manufucture and trading
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  • 7 Days Ago
    The jumpsuit was flattering to my figure and super comfy. A great go-to outfit for work. It was so comfy that I purchased it again in black.
  • 7 Days Ago
    This is a great jumpsuit to be dressed up or down. Fits true to size and super comfy!
  • 7 Days Ago
    Didn’t quite look fab on me. I’m 5’3 and 130. Not sure why it wasn’t a winner. Couldn’t put my finger on it. Gave it to my sons girlfriend who is taller than me. She pulls the legs up a bit and looks fab. It was nice and soft/comfy. Wish I would have liked it one me but glad I could make someone happy for only $20 !!