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  • 7 Days Ago
    Wish I could wear it every day. Soft, comfortable and stylish.
  • 7 Days Ago
    Loved it. Wear with heels for a night out or sandals for casual look. Bought it in 2 colors and got lots of compliments.
  • 7 Days Ago
    I bought this jumpsuit for traveling. I love leggings but hate wearing them for long car rides sometimes because they’re so tight. I wanted a loose fitting jumpsuit that I could be comfy and cute in. I had seen a blogger rave about it, but I’m several inches taller than her so I was worried about the fit. I’m 5’9 and about 145 lbs. I carry some of my not so desirable weight in my waist and purchased a medium so it wouldn’t be too tight. I love this jumpsuit. Super comfy and still slight room for me. If you